Under the Carolingian monarchs there developed a school of painting derived from classical models, chiefly of the Byzantine type.
The artist renders a self-portrait and holds forth on his work - paintings derived from Polaroid head shots of family, friends and fellow artists - his methods and the meaning of his technique.
The exhibition "New York from Above: An Aerial View," aerial paintings derived from maps, photographs and satellite images, will open tomorrow, and remain on view through June 14.
Notable paintings derived from this period are "Ariccia near Rome" and "View of Castel Gandolfo near Rome" Lebedev's landscapes had an immediate success with the public.
They admired a tradition of painting derived from the work of Cézanne, reacting against avant-garde styles and asserting the importance of painting traditional subjects in a realist manner.
When he returned East, he developed a series of paintings derived from his drawings of Indian life.
In 2001, after a hiatus of more than three decades, Bochner again turned to the thesaurus to develop a series of paintings and drawings derived from everyday speech.
The central image of Reeves and Coates, on the poster shown here, is a painting derived from flipping a publicity photo of the two, with the "S" shield flipped back in order to read correctly.
According to the brochure, these are "New works by the celebrated and controversial German artist [which] explore themes of history and abstraction in paintings derived from landscape motifs."
Accompanying the film are a drawing and a painting derived from one of its frames, depicting a building under construction with steel beams and tall cranes heroically silhouetted against the sky.