He then produced a series of nearly 400 drawings and paintings based on the Book of Revelation.
The show presents his drawings for paintings based on a photograph of himself and his mother taken by a studio photographer in Van.
He painted a series of paintings based on these events, including Head of Christie.
The later drawings seem all the more fresh and energetic juxtaposed with the paintings occasionally based on them.
This is decorated with paintings based on chapter 17 of the Book of the Dead.
He is known for paintings based on film and photography and often have oblique references to historical events.
His paintings, often based on landscape forms, were frequently admired for their lyricism and beauty of surface.
I very seriously got going and made an exhibition of about 100 paintings based on his poetry.
This approach has led to a series of paintings based on the cul-de-sac in which Dawson lives.
The windows are decorated with fabric-like paintings, possibly based on medieval tapestries.