The problems that plague young painters, sculptors and artists center on bureaucratic control of exhibition space, compelling some to turn increasingly to showings in private homes and on sidewalks.
His designs often included the work of local painters, sculptors, and mixed-media artists.
This museum contains the work of painters, sculptors and other artists from 15 Southern states and the District of Columbia.
Game designers are going the route that painters, sculptors and other fine artists have followed in the past - toward realism.
Mr. Madsen's situation is typical of those of painters, sculptors and print makers around the country who in recent months have joined a campaign, begun last summer by authors and photographers, to protest the new income tax law.
The Joan Mitchell Foundation awards grants and stipends to painters, sculptors, and artist collectives.
His publications were subscribed to not only by many leading architects of the day, but also by painters, sculptors and other craftsmen.
The trust would purchase art for the City of Wichita by "American painters, potters, sculptors, and textile weavers."
In 1483 he settled in Würzburg where, on December 7 of 1483, he joined the Saint Luke's Guild of painters, sculptors and glass workers as a painter's assistant.
Not to mention Eric Doeringer, a young artist whose sidelines include making bootleg copies of works by contemporary painters and occasionally sculptors, and selling them on the streets of Chelsea.