Haitian painters usually don't render political subjects directly, but rather show the effect of politics reflected in ordinary lives.
Other painters show architecture in the process of change.
No painter has shown more pitilessly that the world is but a place of passage.
The painters and print makers, sculptors and Conceptual artists don't just show; they also tell.
The painter shows him the portrait he is working on, and Peribáñez recognizes his wife.
A painter can show it, but what can I do?
They weren't bad women; in fact they understood the mad painter about as well as anyone did, and showed him some sympathy.
Primarily a painter, many of the prints show him working through formal ideas and thematic motifs that appear in his paintings.
Local sculptors, painters, weavers and many other artisans show original works throughout the province.
I'm grumbling about the people who don't know and refuse to let the painter show them.