French painters, such as François Desportes, also represented Chinese bowls in their still-life paintings.
It remains disputed amongst scholars whether both painters are identical and merely represent one artist using both techniques.
Whites were divided in their views about the displacement of the Indians from the Western territories, and painters represented these differences.
The painter, who attached much importance to this commission, represented The Progress of Love.
During the earlier period, certainly, sculptors and painters alike represented them draped.
Certainly to-day sculptors and painters represent Graces naked.
This last painting indicates this painter did not always represent the port of Marseilles from the front.
The painters chosen represent a wide range, although they all draw from the barrage of information common to us all.
The painter expressed a desire to introduce both their portraits into one picture, and represent them engaged in some appropriate action.
The only painter represented who doesn't fit the show's title is Lucio Fontana: he was no mere visitor to clay but a longterm resident.