Despite showing artistic promise at an early age, Carl was reluctant to break the taboo of painting the sacred beliefs and stories of his people.
An uninitiated man or woman is only allowed to paint outside stories, the sort of story that might be told to a child.
Together they paint, write stories, make clay figurines, and eventually create a fantasy kingdom called Borovnia.
They used to paint stories and legends on caves and rocks to represent their religion.
The article was about how he had learned to paint and write stories in jail, while admitting he was still a hustler.
Tiger's painted sacred stories from his Dreaming, mostly to do with Piltati, where he was born.
We have always had a drive to paint stories on to the Universe.
The many metaphorical possibilities make the lion a great choice for a songwriter to paint stories with.
Central Australian artists frequently paint particular "dreamings", or stories, for which they have responsibility or rights.
A member of the Pitjantjatjara people, she painted spiritual stories from her Dreaming.