During long visits to South Africa, he painted three generations of the Oppenheimer family, among other prominent figures in industry.
In the 1920's he painted an equestrian portrait of the Prince of Wales, among many others.
But two reports in the past week by the United Nations paint a dismal picture of continued high unemployment, particularly among the refugee population.
They painted it among more than ninety species of birds which kept the Emperor amused.
His water-based paints are used to paint the lips on Barbie dolls, among other things.
"One day I might find myself working in an open field, and the next time, I am content to paint among the trees," he said.
Manet painted his wife in The Reading, among other paintings.
But Sargent painted other subjects, too, not least among them children.
She painted prolifically throughout her life, largely at home but also on trips to Greece and Scotland, among other places.
There were also a few who painted among those in uniform.