The orchestra has painstakingly created its own transcriptions from records, thus making the music widely available.
They arrive via the pot-luck cornucopia that the Central Kitchen has painstakingly created among dozens of donor restaurants, hotels, Government and university cafeterias and produce markets.
Mr. Lanois said the album's experimental sound effects, which often suggest exotic acoustic instruments, were painstakingly created by trial and error.
The black-and-white art was painstakingly created by Rick Siegfried with MacDraw, sometimes using hundreds of simple objects combined to create complex images.
He saw her frown as she noticed that the flower arrangements were different from those that she had painstakingly created.
Perhaps even more surprisingly, Riley almost completely dismantled the structures he had painstakingly created for the Laker vaunted fast break, where every player's route was specified.
The large intricate design is painstakingly created with grains of colored sand on a floor or platform.
As, indeed, he had been painstakingly created to be.
With the obsessive industriousness of a gifted child, Plath had painstakingly created an individual wardrobe for each one.
The satire he has painstakingly created now teeters on the brink of farce.