Five Capital Punishments in China, was not only skillfully executed, but also painstakingly arranged.
She looked sleek and urbane, wearing glittering black thigh boots, black tights and a velvet-back black shirt-jacket; her long peach-blond hair was painstakingly arranged over her shoulders.
But not before debauching my goddaughter, who is present by accident, thus ruining all chance of the excellent marriage I had painstakingly arranged for her.
Behind the industrial-looking front door is a richly colored, painstakingly arranged mix of African-American memorabilia and European antiques.
This is a far cry from the days when vacation photos sat neglected in a drawer or were painstakingly arranged in an album, only to gather dust on a bookshelf.
Mr. Freeman's painstakingly arranged display, selected daily at the Fulton Fish Market, is one of the most elaborate and appealing to be found.
Typically, cease-fires have been painstakingly arranged only to crumble amid haggling about the substance of institutional reform.
Sheets of plastic had been set down upon which at least three partial skeletons had been painstakingly arranged as the bones had been unearthed.
If there is a monotony to her pale palette and her interiors - almost as if they were all inside the same house - her painstakingly arranged table-top tableaux recall the precision of Vermeer.