That, together with the cigars, the whiskey, and Molly, occasionally produced painful twinges of guilt.
He thought with a painful twinge of self-pity that he would never see his child's face,then angrily dismissed the thought.
This was a local bon mot that I remembered with an almost painful twinge of nostalgia.
Have been having a few painful twinges and when I'm walking I do feel a lot of pressure down there but that's all.
Shupansea felt her old nurse's censure as a sad, painful twinge in her heart.
The painful twinge that shot through his ankle somewhat eased the numbness in his body caused by the blow.
Dussander slammed the oven door shut with one knee, provoking a painful twinge from his arthritis.
He was feeling yet another painful twinge when Milaba leaned toward him, her hand over the voder input grille.
For a moment, Nial experienced a painful twinge of headache.
There was a painful twinge in his chest; an ungentle reminder of broken ribs.