Somewhere inside him he felt a strong painful thud - it didn't rattle his teeth or bones.
He reaches out and lays one fingertip on the safe, and hears a painful thud in his ears.
His booted feet struck Wayne on the chest with a painful thud and threw him backward onto the deck, hard.
Selim's feet hit the floor with a painful thud as he sat up quickly.
He let Hazel's head fall back onto the trolley with a painful thud, and strolled over to the hanging man.
Her grip on the gutter came loose, and I swung her into the tree trunk with a painful thud.
Instead, she heard the painful thud of bodies hitting ice, then the yammer of a nearby Kitka wail.
Xzorsh hit the wooden deck with a painful thud.
They landed on the Camel pack with a single, painful thud.
My heart gave a painful thud when I saw Kisten's boat.