The black cloth around her eyes cut the painful glare, absorbing the bright light, making it easier to see.
Her eyes opened to a painful glare.
The cleric held his hand before his eyes to block out the painful glare.
Etched in painful glare, she beheld a bird of prey ringed with fire.
Light from the ticket window sent a painful yellow glare into the night.
Charn shaded his eyes against the bright, painful glare as he emerged to find himself on a small sandy beach.
He was pale, dishevelled, out of breath; and his eyes held a painful glare, as if everything had frightened him beyond endurance.
Then ahead he saw a bright point of light that soon grew into a painful white glare.
THE light came back, but now it was a painful glare against Ham's aching eyes.
The screen dimmed, blocking most of the most painful glare.