She is now also coping with painful arthritis and diabetes, and this helped motivate her to write her first piece about herself.
However, in some cases, the patients develop a painful arthritis.
Josh develops heart disease, Foumi painful arthritis.
His passion for what came to be called apitherapy came when painful arthritis threatened his ability to do the heavy work around an apiary.
Gehrig revealed that he was suffering from painful arthritis which affected his game and required surgery.
By that time of her life, crippling and painful arthritis, diminishing eyesight and the burden of years were taking over.
Child's Point of View Burdick was a man who suffered from arthritis so painful that he could hardly lift his arms off a table.
The disease can cause painful and chronic arthritis, neurological problems and heart damage.
Dee Street, who has painful arthritis and walks with discomfort, will probably have her daughter to limp around with some day.
Some people with extremely painful arthritis would prefer to accept that risk rather than be incapacitated.