Here are details on the improvements seen in the music groups' surveys: Average pain ratings fell by about 20%.
The average initial pain rating of 66 went down to 55.
Still, the average pain ratings dropped further, to 39.
In trials where women and men have been subjected to the same intense stimulus, women give it a higher pain rating than men do.
For the first four weeks after treatment, the epidural group's pain ratings were better than those who got standard treatment.
Average pain ratings plummeted for the platelet group, dropping to almost half what it was before treatment by four weeks.
In contrast, average pain ratings for the painkiller group dipped 16% by four weeks.
Relaxation didn't affect pain ratings for either "high" or "low" levels of pain.
Medium effect sizes were also established for enhancement in pain ratings.
On the day after treatment, pain ratings among those who had received leeches were cut almost in half, while the control group reported no change.