Leto raised his aquiline nose, his pride and pain outweighing any desire for concession with her.
The pain of a thorn prick far outweighed the actual wound, she thought as she watched the blood well up on her thumb.
One pain couldn't outweigh another; no pain could balance out another.
When a man looks about him, surely he sees that in general the pain outweighs the pleasure?
If the pain outweighs the gains, he will be deterred and this produces maximal social utility.
The hazards and pains, especially at the beginning, far outweigh the rewards.
The pain and detriment it brought my kin far outweigh whatever negligible benefit they may have gained.
I quit taking it after 2 years because the pain and other side effects outweighed any benefit.
Many businesses have previously chosen to stay with Lotus 1-2-3 even when faster, cheaper and more elegant alternatives entered the market, just because the pain of switching outweighed the benefits.
As usual, people are either paralyzed with shyness or goaded by aggression, and love's pains outweigh its pleasures.