He felt as if his body had rejected him; the pain lashed at his senses and forced reality upon him.
Hiroshi heaved with the power of desperation and bit his lip as the pain lashed through him.
The pain of his words lashed at her, but she didn't let herself react to them.
Sobs ripped from her chest as the pain lashed her soul.
Sara screamed and shielded her eyes as pain lashed through her.
As many-headed pain lashed his body, his wrath stirred and kindled.
Shattering pain lashed through the entire web of telepaths, back to the original mind.
The giant snake rolled into a fire, scattering sparks and brands, and the pain lashed it to more frenzied efforts.
Empathic pain lashed through me, and a line from a joke ran crazily through my head.
Tarrant's pain lashed: "You told me you don't care."