He could feel the pains gripping his wife and wondered how it was she could bear it.
Even while the pain gripped his heart like a vice, what he felt for David Bowman was not envy, but pity.
He had to halt; a sudden pain had gripped him at the side of the stomach.
The reference to Thonolan caught him by surprise, and the pain of his loss gripped him.
Lenny Krayzelburg's body was tightening up and the pain was gripping him.
I started for the phone, hunched over as the pain gripped my chest again, and finally got there.
Fierce, hot pain gripped her whole shaking body.
Again he screamed, a new, unbearable pain, born of that moment, gripping his insides, tugging at him.
After a few moments, he tried to rise again, but the pain gripped his very will.
Thirty seconds later, Burton came to, a tight, hideous pain gripping his features.