For an instant the pain that attacked her heart and soul far exceeded anything her body had endured.
Then the bands caught Bane, and his world became pain such as only a god could imagine or endure.
Speechless, aghast, she did not want to think about how much pain this man must have endured.
Their pain and frustration has endured years and years.
It remained a faint hope, but he needed to believe that the losses suffered and the pain endured might count for something in the end.
The pain he had pridefully endured at his initiation to become a sergeant acolyte.
It's amazing how much pain a human can endure and still live.
Sound and pain I could endure, but not this terrible, terrible odor.
Beyond the toll of lives lost and pain endured, crime in America costs hundreds of billions of dollars every year.
The risks assumed and the pain endured will stand the test of time.