Garfields first Sunday page ran on June 25, 1978, being featured as a third-pager until March 22, 1981.
When Romeo and Paris break into a brawl, the page runs away to call the Watch.
Keep both pages running side by side?
Four-color pages and spreads have already run in magazines.
Since then, pages have run messages to and from the floor to senators and helped set up the Chamber in the mornings.
From the passage seven pages in scarlet and white livery ran forth.
The single page ran every month with contributions from various journalism classes, which determined the content.
Wiili swore quietly as a page ran to the fire for a brand to relight it and he lowered his voice suddenly.
He made room for his son on his right hand, and the pages ran to cover for him and pour the wine.
A page, young and innocent enough to feel pity, ran to tend him, but one of the men-at-arms caught the boy back by the arm.