An empty page will represent silence in a way.
Those pages represented one account that had not been settled, even though Darwick had seen the man in question.
The sealed pages that Darwick had passed over most certainly represented a man who did not belong in Dempster's class.
They will also have ministerial pages, stronger and more identifiable to the individual, to better represent their work.
The first 48 pages represent the 48 Ptolemaic constellations.
Each page may represent a main topic and apply the different theme.
The page represented the list of twelve consecutive lottery winners from exactly ten years ago.
Every page in this book represents an hour I couldn't spend with him, for which I can only ask his understanding and forgiveness.
Each page represents one of the 20 trecena (or 13-day periods), in the tonalpohualli (or 260-day year).
This page represents all smaller school class tournament champions.