The following pages highlight just a handful of them.
Another page, titled "School to Career," highlights Lands' End, the mail-order apparel company.
A new page highlights Caramoor's garden theme and links it with some of the major gardens of the world.
Each page highlights different tax issues and tips that may be relevant to small business owners.
One page highlights an introductory calculus book "for your casual reading pleasure."
He attached mimeographed pages of the Bible with verses pertaining to homosexuality highlighted in a yellow pen.
Of course, the page highlights the usual notables - the Bronx Zoo, the New York Botanical Garden and the Arthur Avenue Italian district.
The next page highlights the major events of World War II during the early part of July 1941.
The front pages of newspapers highlighted the terror and ruminated on the special quality of unease provoked by crimes in Central Park.
The next page highlights key events and details from the 1963 baseball season.