This page documents the tornadoes and tornado outbreaks of 1999, primarily (but not entirely) in the United States.
The pages documented pickup times, routes, transmittals; all had blanks in the areas for "Incidents" and "Comments."
In the page documenting FtpOpenFile, you find both of these mutually contradictory quotes:
This page documents the tornadoes and tornado outbreaks that occurred in 2007, primarily (but not entirely) in the United States.
This page documents the tornadoes and tornado outbreaks of 2012.
This page documents the nomination and confirmation process for any successful or unsuccessful cabinet nominees of Obama Administration.
This page documents some of the events that happened in motorsport in the 1980s.
This page documents the tornadoes and tornado outbreaks of 2001, primarily in the United States.
These pages have documented a simple truth: There is no way to compromise with the Enemy Within.
Those pages, prosecutors argued, would have documented a pattern of bribery, and the jurors apparently agreed.