The thought of it reminded him he had to have the air-conditioning 325 upgraded, and maybe reconsider installing paddle fans in some of the rooms.
In a room with an eight-foot ceiling, using a paddle fan may result in heating-cost savings of only 1 or 2 percent a year.
Installing a paddle fan usually involves fastening it to an overhead electrical outlet box controlled by a wall switch.
A ceiling fan, also called a paddle fan, can contribute greatly to comfort and energy efficiency year round.
Somewhere in the dying hospital a generator still put out electricity, because the three paddle fans spun and a light burned over the nurses' station.
Tyson glanced up and saw the single paddle fan slowing to a stop.
A paddle fan wobbled directly over Jack's head as the decision makers returned to the jury box in single file.
Here there are paddle fans on the ceiling, cool breezes off the water, and a roof to shade us.
Even under the wafting air of the paddle fan, not a strand dared move out of place.
Bria's only movement was the hand that bent back and forth at the wrist waving the paddle fan.