It was no more than a padded platform on which rested a man dressed in bright-red leather.
Before them was a sea of garishly colored pillows, broken here and there by waist-high padded platforms of varying shape.
It trailed a raft: yet another ground effect system covered by a padded platform with handrails.
Near each machine is a padded wooden platform for jogging in place or performing some other stationary aerobic exercise.
Lastel choked, sagging to the padded platform, almost incoherent with rage.
The demon grinned maliciously as he sat himself cross-legged on the padded platform, carefully positioning himself so as to make escape impossible.
I step up to the 20-by-32-inch padded platform.
The headdress, the hatter, and the skirt were golden in color, and, peering over the edge of the padded platform on which he lay.
The female-Nova, he remembered-motioned to a device that allowed him to raise the head portion of the padded sleeping platform.
There they strip off their clothing, don semi-transparent robes, and sprawl comfortably on richly padded white platforms.