Those pacts, more than anything else, set the stage for the N.B.A.'s dramatic turnaround.
Mr. Kravchuk's pact with leftists also sets the stage for a constitutional crisis over whether the presidency has now been reduced to figurehead status.
The pact sets drastically lower limits on military forces in both halves of Europe, requiring deeper cuts by the Soviet Union than by the United States.
The pact with Chile would eliminate tariffs, reduce barriers for services, seek to protect intellectual property, call for regulations on financial disclosures and set some labor and environmental standards.
Their pact sets an honorable example for politicians nationwide.
The pact set overall limits for military, domestic and foreign aid programs.
Traditionally, the pact reached by D.C. 37 sets the pattern for the other city's unions.
The pacts set an average total of $233.35 in additional wages and benefits for each employee over the life of the contracts.
But the pact did not set aside more landing slots for the new flights at Narita airport, outside Tokyo.
The pact set a goal of a foreign share of 20 percent by the end of 1992 with steady increases after that.