It accused the United States of destroying the pact, known as the Agreed Framework.
They subsequently sealed a second pact, known as the Louvre Accord, this time to buy dollars.
That pact, known as the Agreed Framework, was forged after a standoff remarkably similar to the current one.
Upon Umar's arrival in Jerusalem, a pact known as The Umariyya Covenant was composed.
The pact, known as the National Front, was drawn up in 1957 to last 16 years and approved in a referendum.
And some museum officials assert that Italy has not increased its cultural cooperation as called for in the pact, known as a memorandum of understanding.
Representative Karan English of Arizona made her support for the pact known after receiving the invitation.
The pact, known as the Missile Technology Control Regime, offers a framework for protecting the cities of the Middle East.
Due to this, the Reich quickly politically maneuvered itself into negotiating and signing a pact known as the Nippon Accords.
They invited other members of a nine-nation military pact known as the Western European Union to join the corps.