That pact covers any well drilled in the next 10 years, with payments from each well to continue for 10 years after it enters production.
The pact covers more than 2,000 workers at the plant in Flat Rock, south of Detroit.
But the attorneys general and America Online executives said the pact would cover all America Online subscribers nationwide.
The pact with Hungary covers many of the same areas as treaties between the community and non-community countries like Austria.
But that pact did not cover important areas of trade like telecommunications and financial services, which are included in the agreement negotiated last year.
The pact covered home video and pay-television distribution as well.
And would it make much difference if the pact only covered a limited number of seats?
The pact only covered the proposed facility in Wagoner, Okla.
The pact covers 2,800 workers and for the first time provides partial health coverage to Duane Reade's part-time workers.
The pact covers an initial investment of $100 million, with the balance to be invested over the next two or three years.