The theory basically says that energy is radiated in discrete, tiny packets called quanta.
MTP2 uses packets called signal units to transmit SS7 messages.
The server replies by sending the requested page preceded by a similar packet of text, called 'HTTP response'.
On the metal ring are placed two to four triangular folded paper packets, called "mechas," which are filled with gunpowder-like material that explodes on impact.
After the header, the file is split into packets called FLV tags, which have 15-byte packet headers.
Some freshwater mussels release their glochidia in mucilaginous packets called conglutinates.
With photon mapping, light packets called photons are sent out into the scene from the light sources.
When this mussel breeds it releases its larvae, termed glochidia, glued together in packets called conglutinates.
Light exists in tiny packets called photons.
Prior to the 19th century, light was believed to consist of discrete packets called corpuscles.