In the time-honored (and slightly confounding) tradition of the city, tens of thousands of New Yorkers abandoned town this Memorial Day weekend, packing themselves into packed cars to travel on packed roads to packed beaches and villages in New Jersey and Long Island, Connecticut and upstate New York.
Each of the tractors was rated at 375 hp, and the somewhat awkward combination could achieve speeds of 35 miles an hour and negotiate right turns on 28 ft wide, paved or packed roads.
Now I beheld a like spectacle from the other side, riding at a snail's pace down the packed road, while onlookers shouted and threw a hail of flowers and the harried City Guard sought to keep spectators from spilling onto the road.
There were more than 38,000 fans at Dodger Stadium to witness his 67th home run - many of them easily forgetting their animosity toward the Giants to cheer Bonds - but it was far from the packed road houses McGwire played in front of near the end of his march into baseball history.
From the far side of the rise was what was becoming a packed road down the ridge, Nylan could hear hooves.
It's a good, wide, packed road.
He ran with his belly to the ground, carving the dry, packed road with his hooves.
The feeling of darkness grows as they struggle along the packed and rutted road that is now empty, until Liedral finally reins up at a wider spot in the road, with a clearing and a gap in the tumbled stone wall wide enough for the cart.
A packed and wide road led left off the main road and to the ironmongery.