The package can range from $329 to $440.
Portico has a setup fee of $50, and its packages range from $19.95 a month for 60 minutes of use to $149.95 for 1,300 minutes.
Land-only packages range from $599 to $2,079 a person, double occupancy; with air fare, it's $2,049 to $3,099.
The package ranged from a record expansion of New York City's police forces to ambitious corrections, youth and education programs priced at $1.8 billion over the next four years.
A typical package, added to the cost of a Kenya or Tanzania safari, can range from $700 to about $1,500 a person, depending on the number of people making the trip.
The basic packages are for two nights and three days at prices ranging from $289 to $449 a person in double occupancy, depending on accommodations and season.
The monthly packages range from $30 for the basic service, up to $107.99 for specialty and movie channels.
Seven-night packages range from $2,155 to $2,645, double occupancy.
The packages range from $159 at the Renaissance Washington to $432 at the Four Seasons.
Five-day packages range from $456 per person at Burke Mountain to $700 at Stratton Mountain with variations in between depending on accommodations.