Why don't all parents not suffering desperate poverty try packing their children nutritious sandwiches on whole-grain bread, carrot sticks, fruit and a container of water?
Families, who work by their hands in the field, whose children often pack fruit and eat it off the grader, do not.
Residents of the area packed fruit in boxes, so they could distribute their fruit worldwide.
Boldly she packed bread, cheese and fruit and went into the fields early in the morning to spend the entire day with him.
Early in the marriage she packed fruit for two weeks in order to buy him his first typewriter.
Dirt alleys, a bicycle brigade: colored kids packing fruit.
And I also forgot to mention - lately when Sean and I travel together, we pack bread and cheeses and fruit.
They hired thirty young girls in Cincinnati to "pack fruit," and when they arrived put them at work canning corned beef, and put cots for them to sleep in a public hallway, through which the men passed.
In amongst the ammunition, Mrs. P. had had Co op people pack bread, cheese, and fruit.
In 1964, Tom Mathison founded Stemilt Growers and began packing fruit for other growers.