"If Honduras withdraws from the pacification process, the process falls apart," the Costa Rican Foreign Minister, Rodrigo Madrigal Nieto, told reporters in San Jose.
They recommended an enhanced role for the UN and the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in the "pacification process".
The Government estimates the number of armed contras at about 700; a foreign diplomat who closely follows the pacification process estimated them at "550 and growing."
Throughout the pacification process, various primarily rural areas were still in revolt and new rebellions erupted, like that of Teodor Korona Muzaka in 1437.
"We hope that when the elections are carried out, these prisoners will be with their families and integrated into the pacification process," Mr. Ortega said.
She maintains loyalty and control over her subjects by use of a telepathic pacification process known as "Bliss".
During the pacification process and the subsequent years, epidemics of influenza, chickenpox, and smallpox reduced the Rikbaktsa population by three quarters.
The resolution also recognises the importance of the pacification process in the region, a process led and implemented by African countries and organisations.
"An enormous responsibility falls on your shoulders in the consolidation of the pacification process and the building of a new society," he said.
Such a local pacification process was set to begin in Ituri last week.