A1 A cool sound as an alternative to ozone-destroying chemicals.
A cap was put on future production of halons, another class of ozone-destroying chemicals, as well.
If the trend continues, the buildup of ozone-destroying chemicals should stop by the year 2000.
Most scientists believe that ozone-destroying industrial chemicals, which can concentrate at the poles, are responsible for the depletion.
A8 Twenty nations agreed to join a pact to cut production of ozone-destroying chemicals by half by the year 2000.
The build-up of ozone-destroying chemicals has slowed more rapidly than expected, even before international agreements to phase them out took full effect.
The developed countries have almost completely phased out ozone-destroying chemicals.
It urged governments to speed up the phasing out of ozone-destroying chemicals, however.
As a result, she said, efforts to reduce ozone-destroying chemicals must be hastened.
The drive against ozone-destroying chemicals is moving much more rapidly than most diplomats had believed possible.