The high temperatures of the nuclear fireballs could destroy the ozone gas of the middle stratosphere.
Additionally, carbon dioxide and ozone gases can prove dangerous if ventilation is inadequate.
While exposing everyone to ozone gas for two hours, the researchers measured lung function while exercising.
Further up there is a layer of ozone gas called the Ozone layer.
The ozone layer gets its name from ozone gas, an allotrope, or form, of the element oxygen.
However, ozone gas doesn't just coat our earth's stratosphere.
Despite its name, the ozone layer isn't just ozone gas.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, ozone gas can potentially cause harmful health consequences.
However, if ozone gas is present, cracking will occur in the seals unless preventative measures are taken.
It also provides disinfection of the working volume using an ozone gas (O3) unit.