In the current, oxygen-rich atmosphere most hydrogen is converted into water before it has an opportunity to escape.
Many were photosynthetic, slowly contributing to the earth's bizarre oxygen-rich atmosphere.
This has been disputed with evidence in support of an oxygen-rich atmosphere since the early Archean.
Such life was common to almost all planets having a dense, oxygen-rich atmosphere.
The change to an oxygen-rich atmosphere was a crucial development.
The oxygen-rich atmosphere had actually made his brisk walk from the public transport station an invigorating experience.
The ultimate result was the creation of a new, oxygen-rich atmosphere that supports today's animal kingdom.
Eventually, without an oxygen sink in the oceans, the process created the oxygen-rich atmosphere of today.
Prepared samples are combusted at 1,350 C in an oxygen-rich atmosphere.
The oxygen they produced accumulated over the millennia to form the kind of oxygen-rich atmosphere that we know today.