That means red blood cells and oxygen can't flow to some parts of the body.
For all its many benefits, vigorous exercise does have some drawbacks, and one is the damage done to muscle tissue as oxygen flows rapidly through it.
"That keeps the swelling in her head down, so that blood and oxygen can flow and heal the injured tissues."
When any one of the counters reached the total of thirty-six thousand, a switch would close and oxygen would flow back into the chamber.
As soon as the oxygen was flowing, he hit the switch to depres- surize the plane.
He opened a bleeder valve on his suit, kneeling so the oxygen would flow across the front end of the thing on which he rode.
If the silicon carbide shell cracks, oxygen can flow in and start eating away at the carbon underneath.
A split is often made down the length of the grooved piece, so that oxygen can flow freely to the coal/ember.
It does not matter if the user is exhaling or inhaling as oxygen is flowing from the time the system is activated.
The plaque deposits decrease the space through which oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood can flow.