Low oxygen conditions are at their worst in the late summer, after several months of limited flushing and maximum plankton production near the surface.
Under normal oxygen conditions, fungi, bacteria, and insects would have caused a biological degradation of the wood in short time.
This low oxygen condition, hypoxia, is thought to be killing animal life, especially in the western end of the Sound.
Under low oxygen conditions biodegradable plastics break down slower and with the production of methane, like other organic materials do.
Few organisms lived in these low oxygen conditions.
Sometimes he would also visit the northern areas of Pakistan to train in high altitude fields under low oxygen conditions.
Probably low oxygen conditions kept predators and scavengers to a minimum.
It is also less susceptible to decay under increased oxygen conditions.
Coliform procedures are performed in aerobic or reduced oxygen conditions.
The oxygen for this in low oxygen conditions comes from gulping air at the water surface.