In 5 January 2012 Fiat released press info that the ownership has increased to 58.5%.
In the 1950s and 1960s, private ownership of cars increased, and newer suburbs were created beyond the tram and rail networks.
Indeed, Anchor's institutional ownership has increased from 10 percent to 20 percent within the last six months, Mr. Large said.
From 1964 up until 1996, income per head had doubled, while ownership of various household goods had significantly increased.
Then, slowly, ownership increased, and today about half of all Americans own stock either directly or through mutual funds.
Eventually, they said, the cross ownership could increase to about 20 percent for each.
As a result of the government's anti-crisis measures, its ownership in leading companies will certainly increase.
We hope that progress will continue and that local political ownership will increase further.
Their ownership considerably increases the value of an object.
"We sincerely believe public ownership would increase and stabilize the capital positions of member firms," Mr. McCarthy said at the time.