They are more likely to live in owner-occupied housing and in single-family homes.
Although this effort does nothing to increase the stock of owner-occupied housing, the plan will require a ceiling on apartment rents.
Big disparities remain, though, in the median value of owner-occupied housing.
The median value of owner-occupied housing in the city was $228,800.
The school building project is complete and the program to build owner-occupied housing is one-third accomplished.
More recently, the trend has been rising property values and an increase in owner-occupied housing.
The percentage of owner-occupied housing has declined over that same decade however.
Today many of these shells are being replaced by owner-occupied affordable housing.
The President may also provide funds for the repair or replacement of owner-occupied housing damaged by a major disaster.
When the market comes back, I think you can count on seeing more projects go to owner-occupied housing.