The Vergleichswertverfahren (sales comparable approach) is mainly used to determine the value of owner-occupied buildings (single-family houses, condominiums) and land.
Maybe so, but owner-occupied buildings are not utopian.
"Retail deals almost always take longer in owner-occupied buildings," Mr. Billingsley said.
Some companies include owner-occupied buildings, and others do not, he said.
For instance, some companies include owner-occupied buildings, while others do not.
Vacant lots were turned over to a single developer for construction of owner-occupied buildings that would help stabilize what were then iffy neighborhoods.
Most of the area's rentals are in owner-occupied buildings - walkups, some with six units.
They liked a $3,000 apartment in a small, owner-occupied building on Lexington Avenue in the 90's, but it was too far north.
The measure would cover owner-occupied buildings with up to four units in Hoboken, a city of 30,000.
Apartments in small, owner-occupied buildings account for one-fourth to one-half of the city's nearly 12,000 nonsubsidized rental units, depending on who is asked.