They don't mind if their owners spend every waking hour on the Internet.
But the car would be expected to meet the standards in its next required test, unless the owner again spends at least $450.
Most owners spend a few weeks on their yachts and usually sell them in two years.
The costs reflect only what the owners spent before opening their doors.
Few believe that the owners, a group of local investors, will spend still more money and effort.
Now the owner is spending $60,000 on the little building, but if things go right, a passer-by won't be able to tell the difference.
The owners have spent nearly $30 million, but it may never open.
It would be surprising if the owners spend very long deciding on their pick.
But to get the allowance an owner must spend $50,000.
But it's true, the owners here spent the money on the free agents.