But new owners took over last year, renovated the place and reopened it seven weeks ago.
The new owners invested $6 million to renovate the building, and reopened it in the fall of 2010 as Legacy Charter Academy.
The new owner renovated the building and reopened it in 1995 as housing for low income single workers making less than $17,650 per year.
The current owner, Apex Minerals, upgraded and reopened the mine in November 2008.
The players, Fehr indicated, are not thrilled that the owners reopened the contract seven months ago and have not initiated negotiations.
A new owner will reopen it early next year as a restaurant, said the manager, Ray Chamis, who is a friend of the Governor's.
These were the first management proposals since owners reopened the collective bargaining agreement on Dec. 7, 1992.
It closed in 2003, but new owners updated and reopened the park in 2007.
It would seem highly unlikely that the owners would reopen and then not lock out.
The owners and the union reopened the collective bargaining agreement and toughened the drug-testing policy for the 2005 season.