But if they rise, the new owners can reap some of the benefits.
And in a break from decades of pension policy, the bill would let owners reap tax benefits for themselves even if their workers do not participate.
And the owners of the building reaped $30 million a year in profits, and the federal government bailed them out of liability?
The motel's new owners are reaping the rewards.
But the real owners are reaping rich harvests from that dirt, let me tell you!
And in 1990, the owners reaped millions from a public stock sale, based on the tremendously inflated value of their team.
Given the large number of races each year, owners of strong horses can reap millions of dollars.
"The state bears all the risk and the owner reaps all the profits," Mr. Knopp said.
No such levies are imposed on those who bought apartments after 1994 because they did not stand to make the kind of profits early owners could reap.
In fact, most early owners didn't really reap the benefits of high definition.