Viewers probably thought Elmer was history when he left the screen in 1939 and that his owner followed in 1943.
The owner of the legs followed them in the usual manner, closed the car door tenderly, and then made her way into the building.
The owner must have monitored the transmitter and followed it to Sacramento.
"If an owner doesn't follow the law, then a former resident can conceivably return and file a lawsuit for the value of the property."
If the owner does not follow the rules - off to the pound with his or her best friend.
Now farming became industry, and the owners followed Rome, although they did not know it.
Many owners follow, and the cloister is turned into a palace.
These dogs often choose one owner to attach to and follow often.
For each project, the owner and the contractor follow the same five steps:
The owners would follow one another in a number until the year 1960.