"You play dangerously," commented the owner of 11 Tritone.
An owner of the company, Richard Bassi, was at the site today, but would not comment on the fire or the court proceedings.
Many owners often commented at the fact that 25 miles per gallon was about as much as you could get out of a car with this engine.
Neither the store's owners nor their lawyer, Robert Dinerstein, would comment on the suit.
The owner, Patrick Rigaud, was inside but would not comment.
"Nothing in there he could want," commented the former owner of the craft.
As one owner commented rather cynically, "We need to start charging people who sit here all day surfing the net."
The owners of the building have not commented either way on whether it was legally or illegally sold and removed.
The owner would not comment on the letters.
He claimed that the owners "do not really know what they are doing" and commented on their "lack of ambition".