In 1994, he had 40 when the wonderful owners and the terrible players canceled the season because of a labor dispute.
The owners could lock out the players from training camp, then delay or cancel the season in an attempt to reduce wages.
In 1969, after 400 voyages, the owners of the "speed queen" canceled a planned world cruise and announced the ship would remain indefinetly docked.
The owner of the plaza, Rose Associates, can cancel the market with a week's notice, he said.
The phone's owner canceled the account, but director Jon Cassar decided to reactivate the line.
The irony was that this criticism came the day the owners canceled the season, having concluded that the players' strike left them no other choice.
Gooden's current suspension is in limbo now that the owners have canceled the remainder of the season.
When the owner cancelled this policy in 1866, the Society refunded the entire original payment.
Today its owners canceled a Fourth of July laser show because of the damage, which they estimated at $200,000.
The new owner reduced the staff and canceled its Saturday edition, publishing Monday-Friday afternoons from 2004-2009.