Campbell Mithun is owned by top managers and the Interpublic Group.
The company was owned by subsequent managers, all of whom had served as master mariners early on in the careers.
The Omnicom Group will continue to own 49 percent of the agency, with the rest owned by top managers.
Domino's, owned by Bain Capital and senior managers, spends an estimated $125 million to $150 million on advertising annually.
Domino's, owned by Bain Capital and senior managers, is estimated to spend $100 million annually on national advertising.
Campbell Mithun, which is owned by top managers and the Interpublic Group of Companies, received the account without a review.
Are you suggesting that all enterprises should be owned by managers and workers?
His agency is owned by top managers and Omnicom.
Sales at far-below-market prices to companies owned by managers or their families are another common abuse here.
In contrast, he probably is not worth betting on if he holds only stocks that are primarily owned by managers with awful records.