Multi-Market currently owns, services or has agreed to acquire 14 radio stations.
But those networks also own such services as home care agencies and skilled nursing facilities built around the hospitals.
Owning services aimed at the same market also precludes annoying competition.
Consequently, he was the principal of all who owned services to the head of that castle.
The Council owns various other local services and businesses such as the garage and the Commonwealth Bank agency.
White Oak owns just 22 stocks, with technology accounting for 65 percent of the portfolio, financial services 25 percent and health care 10 percent.
Under current law, telephone companies are allowed to provide television programming over their networks, but are not allowed to own such services.
The vital question is not who owns services of general interest.
The newspaper industry is waging an aggressive lobbying campaign to keep telephone companies from owning services that would compete with their own offerings and drain advertising revenue.
"What you see is a massive popular rejection of transnational companies owning essential services."