Mr. DaCosta was a widower who owned another brownstone on West 158th Street.
Manhattan Island, which is owned by Carolina, on West 46th Street, has no liquor license yet but expects to have one shortly.
The society is also making another attempt to develop five vacant lots and a brownstone that it owns on West 76th Street behind the museum.
This time, Mr. Ross outlined a far more modest scheme, involving four empty lots and a vacant town house the society owns on West 76th Street.
In 1995, my boss asked me to supervise the renovation of apartments at a much larger building he owned on West 90th Street.
Dance Theater owns its building on West 152nd Street.
She lives in Harlem, where she owns her own home and an eight-unit brownstone on West 120th Street that she rents out.
For some reason I found myself explaining my housing problem to Dean, and he told me about a woman he knew who owned an apartment on West 44th Street.
His half-brother Robert owned a bar on West Street in Newark.
Residents say the center could be housed in one of three vacant brownstones the hospital owns on West 170th Street.