He also owned guest houses across the street which he purchased as homes for his top officers.
And he said Ford already had a lot of space becoming available at a building it owns in Dearborn across the street from its headquarters.
She has a crush on a boy named Hyland who works in a store owned by his father, across the street from her house.
They owned a hotel across the street from the Alhambra theatre.
"I took the buyout on a trailer I owned across the street, but you didn't make enough money to buy anything decent."
Two family members owned the gas station across the street from Town Hall.
I knew her parents owned a Korean produce market across the street.
He owned a variety store across the street from that recreation center, where he also coached.
They own homes on Bainbridge Avenue, across the street from the public school.
"I own land across the street and I can't use it."